When you start on your investing journey it can be difficult to see progress. You might be saving $12, $50, $250 a month, or more but you aren’t seeing it grow like you want.
When you start investing it takes one key element…time. To prevent discouragement on a regular basis we recommend this visualization exercise.
While you might think this is silly, that’s perfectly ok, we encourage you to take a few moments to review what your life and finances look like 10 years from now.
We talk daily here, at BridgesTwins, that we are fighting daily for ourselves 10 years from now and sometimes beyond. When you make the switch to envision the future, suddenly investing has more joy and it’s less of a sacrifice.
What Do Your Finances Look Like 10 Years From Now
Wherever you are today doesn’t mean that’s where you are going to be 10 years from now. 10 years can seem like a long time however it will go by sooner than you think. Any parent can testify that suddenly years just fly by at one point and you thought your kid was just 4 years old the other day.
Let’s look at some finance questions you might want to ask yourself.
- Have I purchased a primary residence?
- Do I own rental property?
- What is the balance of my 401K?
- What is the balance of my IRA/Roth IRA?
- Have I paid off my student loans?
- Do I have an emergency fund?
- What kind of vacations am I paying for?
- Do I have $0 in credit card debt?
- Have I paid off my car?
- Have I purchased a new car?
- Have I started a college fund, 529 College savings, for my child or a child I really like?
- What is the balance in my checking account?
- What is the balance of the college fund?
- Am I in a position to “buy the dip”?
- Do I own stocks in companies I have always admired?
- Do I own mutual funds?
- Is there a reduction in stress around money?
Do you have to have answers to all of the questions above? Of course not! What we are going to encourage you to do though is take some time to select the ones that are most important to you. Find time when it’s quiet, when you won’t be disturbed, and where you can write down the answers to the questions above.
Please remember don’t judge yourself. If you have $0 today that’s ok. There was a time when we were in debt from business dealings so we were negative. So if you are at $0 that’s ok 🙂
Have You Thought Of What Your Fitness May Look Like 10 Years From Now?
Having money in the bank with a body that can’t enjoy it won’t be much fun. Your physical fitness should be part of the vision process. Annually we have a 3,000 mile goal that we tackle that’s made up of running, cycling, and swimming. You can adopt that goal or you can select your own.
The key part we want you to take into account is the 10 year version of yourself and then we can start to work backwards to see what needs to be done.
A few questions you might want to ask yourself about your future fitness:
- What does my weight look like?
- Do I weigh less?
- Do I weigh more?
- Am I regularly doing an exercise I have spoken about for years?
- Riding a peloton daily or a regular bike
- Are you running daily?
- Are you hiking on the weekends?
- Are you going to the gym daily?
- Are activities that take effort now easier?
- Is it easier climbing stairs?
- Is it easier playing with young children?
- How do my clothes fit?
- Am I doing activities I once thought were crazy?
- Running a marathon
- Doing an ironman
- Doing an Ultramarathon
- Doing an Ultraman (Look that up when you get a chance)
We would invite you to be as descriptive as possible. Write out how you see your future fitness. What you will discover is that there are activities you either need to give up or start doing to deliver for your future self. It might mean you have to start exercising, reduce the amount of fast food purchased, or reduce intake on certain types of food that aren’t benefiting your future self.
Taking Action For Your Future Self
We want you to fight for your future self. Your future self deserves the future that you have envisioned. Once you have answers to the questions above it’s time to put words into action.
To get started we recommend the following:
- Highlight your top 3 goals or visions of your future self
- Out of the top 3 select the one that you want more than anything
- Determine what you need to do to reach that goal and put your effort into it!
What goal did you end up selecting? We would love to hear what it is so share with us and the community.